Frequently Asked Questions

For Investors

Frequently Asked Questions

We are always here to help. Drop us a mail at

Who can participate in our private equity deals?

Accredited Investors (AIs), Institutional Investors (IIs) only.

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Why do investors need to undergo a thorough verification process?

CapBridge is a Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) regulated entity and thus is required to conduct Know Your Customer (KYC)/ Anti-Money Laundering (AML) checks on all potential customers.

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What are the criteria required to be classified as an Accredited Investor (AI)?

Not less than SGD 300,000 income in the preceding 12 months or SGD 1 million in financial assets or SGD 2 million net personal assets, as defined in the Securities And Futures Act (Chapter 289).

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What service/product access fees does CapBridge charge?

Please refer to Fee Schedule or email for assistance.

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What are the criteria required to be classified as an Institutional Investor (II)?

They need to be:
(a) a financial institution that is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).
(b) a foreign regulated financial institution that is regulated by MAS-equivalent authority in a foreign jurisdiction.
(c) the Singapore government and a statutory board prescribed under the Securities And Futures Act (Chapter 289).(d) a foreign central government and foreign central government agencies.
(e) a foreign central bank.
(f) a sovereign wealth fund.
(g) a supranational governmental organisations prescribed under the Securities And Futures Act (Chapter 289).(h) an entity that is wholly-owned by an Institutional Investor(s).

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What is the minimum investment size?

The investment size will vary from deal to deal.

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Do I need to be based in Singapore to register with CapBridge?

No, you do not have to be based in Singapore.

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What should I do if I experience a technical issue?

Screenshot the issue and email or click on the “Help” button for assistance.

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Drop us a message

We will be in contact with you shortly.

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